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TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) is an improv storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere, from the airport waiting area you are stuck in, to the overnight in some hotel where there is nothing to do (and also, of course, in your own home). All the basic rules for TSRPG fit on one page; no dice are needed; characters have just two stats, Physical and Mental; and any bookkeeping that might be required can be done on a cocktail napkin with a pen borrowed from a waiter. Action is resolved through Challenges, and the consequences of these — whether good or bad — determine the flow of a shared narrative. We have also included a version of the rules that can easily be printed out, folded up into a convenient little booklet, and tucked into your carryon so that you will have it when you need it!

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Features of TSRPG include:

  • Basic Rules that fit on just one page;

  • Five pages of Optional Rules (covering equipment, NPCs, character advancement, and more);

  • A sample mini-scenario, "Into the Shadows of Nyx," thtat allow players and storytellers to jump right into the game;

  • Examples of game play; and,

  • A printer-friendly version of the Basic Rules that can be folded up into a convenient little booklet.

  • Original illustrations by artits Bob Greyvenstein and Amanda Kahl.

We hope you will now enjoy this core rule book, which has now been expanded from 10 to 20 pages, even more!